
I loooove going up American Fork Canyon, for some of us might get old because we go there so often, is like our back yard; it gets boring after a while.

Personally when I go up there I feel free, no service, no parents telling me whet I can and can’t do, is just me and the nature around me, I can feel it grow and embrace me around. I love the smell of it and how secure it makes me feel about myself. I know it might sound like a little too much but that’s how it makes me feel. A place where I can go on top of a cliff and just scream a place where I can go explore and try to find myself.

Image result for american fork canyon

High school drama

I’m so done with it. Is stupid. Everyone has their problems but there’s some people that have worst problems than others but there’s some people out there making little things look like the biggest thing when is really not. So stupiddddd you guys need to stop. Keep those things to yourself lol


Childhood for me was really hard. I was bullied for about 5 years and it was not really a good time for me but I learned a lot during that time and believe it or not I’m grateful that I went through that. Just be nice to everyone.


Why birds fly?

Why do we get hungry?

Why do we love?

Why do you care about followers?

Why do I like you?

Why do we have to be at school so early?

Why do we let other people hurt us?

Why war?

Why gradesss? (I don’t understand)

Why are dances so stressful?

Why am I doing this at 11pm?:)

Why race?

Why religion?

Why fear?

Why Nelson?

Why does love hurt?

Why trust?

Why smile?

Because It’s just how life is…


My dad used to always tell me that If I wore a hat too often I was going to loose all my hair, and for that reason I’m scared to wear them now.

Anyways I think hats are a good way to go when you are having a bad day or you just wear one because you haven’t brush you hair for weeks but I also think they can have different meanings, I always thought that people that wore them were trying to hide something not just physically but they were feeling insecure about something and they wanted people not to look at them as much so that’s why they’re wore them. At the same there’s the opposite group where they were the super duper crazy ones that are colorful and crazyyyyy and that kinda scream for attention and I always thought that those people had the biggest confidence ever because is really hard to look good on one of those.

Can hats represent who we are? Like if you just look at someone’s hat can you know who they are? And if they use a completely different hat can you still read the person?

We are free to use whatever we want and when you put a hat on you somehow start “wearing” a new persona for that day that’s why I think is so fun because you can get to be a different person. You get to change and to be whoever you want to be for that day and it’s awesome.

Some days you have to just put on the hat to remind them who they are really dealing with…

And don’t be scared if you like the hat wear it don’t be scared to be “someone else” for a day

They don´t see what I see

Introduce yourself to someone can be really easy or complicated because most of the times people already have an idea about you, an idea of how you are and the friends that you have or the family that you are from and they already have an image about you even though they have never talk to you before.

Captura de pantalla 2018-09-01 a las 3.12.08 PM


I´m someone, that usually is not scared to say what´s in their mind, I don´t care about what other people say about me, but when it comes to my deep feelings is scary, you may ask why? you literally give a crap… Well I don´t want people to see that I over think things, that I´m scared to show the world that things affect me sometimes in a really dramatic way, I don´t want the world to see how insecure and vulnerable I am, I don´t like feeling week, feeling like I´m not on control of myself.

I´m excited that for the first time I can ¨show¨ who I am and to ¨share¨ my feelings and open up without being scared.


I love how every single person around us has a different opinion about the things and the people in our lives and to also see that from a comment our lives and opinions can change.

The way we see things, the way we treat others for what we see is really important and we need to be careful with the words that we use because not everything we see and hear is true, we don´t know the background story, we are not always on the backstage. You can hear and think a lot of things about me but you don´t have my eyes, you can´t be me, you can´t see things the way I see them.

The point is stop judging about things that you don´t see or know about

Captura de pantalla 2018-09-01 a las 3.32.30 PM